Energy & Infrastructure

Minister: Jack Park

The Energy and Infrastructure portfolio was created by the National Government of the Red River Métis to address the development and management of energy and infrastructure projects across our National Homeland. This includes energy projects such as generating stations, transmission lines and pipelines, solar, wind, and nuclear power as well as infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, dams, and outlet channels.

Developing a Cultural Protocol for the Red River Métis

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Enbridge - Line 3 Replacement Project (L3RP)

Line 3, built in the 1960s, is part of the Enbridge crude oil pipeline system known as the Mainline System. The L3RP is the largest project in Enbridge history and replaces 1,765 km of existing pipe - from Hardisty, AB to Superior, WI, with the Canadian portion ending in Gretna, MB - with modern materials. Construction on the project is complete across the 9 spreads, and Line 3 came online in December 2019. With the pipe installed, your Red River Métis Government is now focused on ensuring Enbridge adheres to the Métis-specific mitigation and accommodation measures that were agreed to in 2018.

The Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), through a joint venture with MN4CI and Steel River Group, completed the contract for the decommissioning of the pipeline. The MMF is continuing to work towards a stewardship of the land approach for the operations and maintenance phase of the replacement pipeline. Part of that work includes having Red River Métis monitors out on the project, and the MMF is working with both N4 and Enbridge's contractors to ensure that we have these "eyes and ears" out on the project, working to ensure appropriate environmental and safety compliance.

Your Red River Métis Government is also working with Enbridge to revise their Indigenous Operational Engagement plan and will continue to work with Enbridge and the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) to ensure the engagement strategy appropriately considers the needs of the Red River Métis. The MMF is also working with Enbridge to revise their current Indigenous policy to better reflect the rights, claims, and interests of the Red River Métis.

Line 3 - Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC)

Canada's approval of L3RP was subject to 37 binding conditions recommended by the National Energy Board (NEB) in its report, including the establishment of the IAMC to provide ongoing monitoring and engagement throughout the life cycle of the project.

The IAMC was established with two government members, one from Natural Resources Canada and one from the Canada Energy Regulator (formerly the National Energy Board or NEB), and 16 Indigenous members from across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba - four of whom are from the Métis Nation (1-MNA, 2-MNS, 1-MMF).

Through the IAMC, Canada provided funding for two Red River Métis monitors (Tayler Fleming and Jade Dewar) from the MMF to accompany CER inspectors during their scheduled inspections of L3RP. These inspections were focused on compliance measures specific to environmental and safety conditions along the project right of way. With pandemic restrictions in place, the CER hosted several virtual inspections and tabletop exercises to review the compliance activities and ensure Enbridge was fulfilling its obligations.

The MMF's representative (Marci Riel) is the former Indigenous Co-Chair of the committee and continues to take a lead role in the IAMC and the various subcommittees to ensure the MMF and the Red River Métis are appropriately represented with a focus on Indigenous monitoring and meaningful engagement.

Canada Energy Regulator - Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC)

Through the new Canada Energy Regulator Act, the CER is now responsible for federal Crown consultation on projects that fall within their jurisdiction. The Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) fulfils a key requirement of the CER Act to establish an advisory committee to enhance the involvement of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada and Indigenous organizations in the CER's regulated infrastructure.

The IAC serves as part of the overall governance of the CER as its overarching role is to advise the Board of Directors on how the CER can build a renewed relationship with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. The IAC plays a key advisory role to the Board on how best to enhance the involvement of Indigenous Nations with respect to the CER regulated infrastructure. The IAC advises on the integration of Indigenous perspectives throughout the lifecycle of projects and assists with the CER's strategy related to integrating Indigenous rights, interests, and values into the CER's work and process.

The IAC is a committee of nine representatives and is led by a Chair and Vice Chair selected by the IAC. The Red River Métis representative at the IAC is Marci Riel.

Impact Assessment Legislation

Your Red River Métis Government is working with Canada on a proposed system for consultation and engagement activities that are intended to include: respect for Indigenous rights, including mandatory consideration of impacts on rights and Indigenous culture; Indigenous engagement and partnership early and throughout the process; mandatory consideration of Indigenous knowledge; provisions for arrangements with Indigenous groups to exercise powers and duties under the legislation; and aims to secure free, prior, and informed consent through processes based on mutual respect and dialogue.

Manitoba Minnesota Transmission Project (MMTP)

Manitoba Hydro's MMTP includes construction of a 500-kilovolt AC transmission line in southeastern Manitoba and upgrades to the associated stations at Dorsey, Riel, and Glenboro. Construction on Manitoba Hydro's Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project (MMTP) went into service in 2020.

The MMF is currently reviewing Manitoba Hydro's Crown Land Offset Management Plan (CLOMP) to ensure it fully considers the "value" of the land that is being lost due to the size of the right-of-way. Through this process, the MMF will be working with Manitoba Hydro and other Indigenous Nations to ensure that the land being taken up by the transmission line is purchased and returned to Crown land elsewhere in Manitoba.

Flowing from a licensing condition specific to this project, the MMF is also undertaking a cultural and terrestrial study on Crown land and the cumulative impacts of transmission projects in southern Manitoba. This study will lead to a protocol between the MMF and Canada specific to cultural and heritage resources.

The MMF regularly participates in ongoing flora and fauna surveys along the MMTP line at various study locations. Christian Goulet is the MMF Energy and Infrastructure Coordinator and has been participating in the assessment of land parcels proposed by Manitoba Hydro to offset lands lost to the project.

St. Vital Transmission Complex

The project includes construction of two 230-kv transmission lines that will both start at the St. Vital Station and run to either the Letellier Station or the La Verendrye Station. The project is being built on existing right of way and was designed to enable the Winnipeg network to withstand various severe outages, improve performance during normal operation, and promote the reliability of the power system in southern Manitoba.

The St. Vital Transmission Complex received a Class 2 development License under The Environment Act (Manitoba) on January 30, 2017 and construction began in the summer of 2019. The expected completion date is set for fall 2022.

Birtle Transmission Project

Manitoba Hydro recently built a 230-kV transmission line from the Birtle Station, south of the community of Birtle, to the ManitobaSaskatchewan border. Construction on this project ended in December and the line went into service in January 2020.

The MMF undertook a Métis Land Use and Occupancy Study to assess the impacts of the project on Red River Métis people and will continue to work with Manitoba Hydro to ensure the information is incorporated in the development of their environmental protection program and construction management plans.

The Birtle project is among the projects that are the focus of the legal claim against Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro. The MMF continues to push Canada on this project, as it crosses a provincial border but was not subject to a federal assessment, nor is it regulated by the Canada Energy Regulator. Despite these issues, the MMF is working to identify issues that are not or cannot be mitigated by Manitoba Hydro in the drafting of their environmental protection and monitoring programs. The MMF will continue working with Canada and the federal regulator to ensure the protection of areas of interest to the Métis Nation.

Kettle Hills Generating Station

Your Red River Métis Government met with Manitoba Hydro recently to discuss an interim license that will be required for the Crown corporation to continue operating the Kettle Hills Generating Station. The interim license is meant to bridge a gap until their longterm license is issued similar to the process that was undertaken for the Lake Winnipeg Regulations and the Churchill Diversion Project. The MMF will continue to work with Manitoba Hydro and the province to ensure the concerns raised by our Citizens and Harvesters specifi c to impacts of the project do not continue to go un-addressed.

BP 6/7 and PACE project

MMF Routing Preferences D83W Jan 26 2022

MMF_BP67_PACE Report_FINAL_12.10.2022

Manitoba Hydro has replaced a damaged transmission line near Portage la Prairie (PLP) along with improvements at the Portage la Prairie station. The MMF conducted an analysis of traditional knowledge, land use, and occupancy information available in the data catalogue and hosted a community consultation meeting to discuss impacts of the construction of the line and the work. Manitoba Hydro provided funding for a Métis Community Assessment Specialist, Keith Kowall, who was able to connect directly with Citizens and Harvesters that were likely to be impacted by the work being undertaken by Manitoba Hydro. This work has continued with Dustin Hoft, the MMF's Agriculture Coordinator, with the objective of collecting information specific to the impacts of the project on our Red River Métis farmers and ranchers. The information collected was provided to Manitoba Hydro in a series of reports drafted by your Red River Métis Government with the intention of guiding their construction practices and mitigation measures.

Project 6 - All Season Road

Manitoba Transport & Infrastructure (MTI) is proposing to construct Project 6 - an all-season road linking Manto Sipi Cree Nation, Bunibonibee Cree Nation, and God's Lake First Nation.

This project is currently on hold as Manitoba Transport & Infrastructure is required to fi le a revised Environmental Impact Statement in line with the new impact assessment legislation. Recently the project's Final Environmental Impact Statement deadline has been extended to August 28, 2026. The MMF has received funding from Canada to participate in the federal assessment process. More information on this project will be shared as soon as the proponent fi les their project information.

Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Project


Manitoba Transport & Infrastructure (MTI) is undertaking the Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Project to regulate both lakes during peak flooding season. In addition to the channels, the project includes an access road and a transmission line. Your Red River Métis Government has worked diligently to ensure the appropriate regulatory bodies are aware of the potential impacts of the project and to be sure Métis concerns are fully considered, mitigated where possible, and accommodated where mitigation is not possible.

The MMF recently completed a Métis traditional knowledge, land use, and occupancy study that appropriately considers the potential impacts of the project on the way in which our Citizens use the land, water, and resources in and around the project area. Unfortunately, Manitoba refuses to provide the MMF with sufficient funding to meaningfully participate and further, it refuses to recognize the MMF as the legal Government of the Red River Métis. The MMF will continue to push Manitoba to meaningfully consult with the Métis Government as the representative of Citizens and Harvesters across the National Homeland.

This Project is subject to multiple regulatory reviews by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency), Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada, as well as Manitoba's department of Conservation and Climate. The MMF is working with all applicable federal departments to ensure the components of the project that fall under their mandate are prioritized.

The MMF has undertaken a number of studies to assess both the impacts of the project on our rights, claims, and interests, as well as to develop an alternate plan that will ensure the flooding issue is addressed without the long-term impacts of the channel project as proposed by Manitoba. The MMF has hired a number of experts in the fi eld to review the material, recommend a more appropriate plan for construction, and to then assess the costs associated with doing so.

Your Red River Métis Government has conveyed concerns about the project as well as the consultation and engagement processes to the appropriate federal and provincial Ministers. The MMF will continue to advocate for appropriate studies to ensure that the path forward fully considers the impact of the project on the rights, claims, and interests of our Citizens.

Pointe Du Bois Renewable Energy Project (PBREP)

The station was built in 1910 and needs upgrading to restore its full electrical production. Manitoba Hydro is proposing a plan to retrofi t 8 of the 16 generator units located in the Pointe du Bois generating station. As a result of the upgrades the old transmission lines between Point du Bois and the Lee River transformer station must be replaced and the right-of-way widened from 30 to 60 metres. The widening is due to the higher voltage of the lines.

Hydro also proposed a new section of line running from the Lee River transformer station down to the Seven Sisters generating station. Hydro has begun consultation with the MMF on impacts to Harvester rights and has requested feedback on route selection and related concerns for the project.

The MMF has participated in aerial surveys of the proposed routes, plant and animal studies, ground tours, and a consultation round table with First Nations. Your Red River Métis Government is working with Hydro to identify routes of concern based on observations of the area, feedback from Métis Harvester surveys, and plant and wildlife survey data.

Whiteshell Reactor WR-1 - Decommissioning Project

Whiteshell Reactor #1 Decommissioning: Manitoba Métis Traditional Knowledge, Land Use, and Occupancy Study

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) has begun decommissioning the Pinawa site and is applying for a license from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) on their proposed decommissioning plan to remove radioactive waste to Chalk River Ontario and bury the decommissioned WR-1 reactor in concrete grout on the site.

With funding from the CNSC and CNL, your Red River Métis Government has undertaken a technical review of the project, held two community consultation meetings on the plan, and proposed monitoring activity, performed a consumption survey, Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Study (TKLUS), and an assessment of the value components (VCs) used by the proponent to assess the potential impacts of the project.

Your Red River Métis Government appeared on your behalf in the regulatory hearings for the environmental licensing of both the current state of the nuclear reactor and its planned decommissioning. As a result of that intervention, the MMF had a Métis Environmental Monitor on site for a variety of monitoring tasks over the past two years, including water sampling at the discharge lagoon, monitoring well water sampling, overland water outflow testing, and edible plant, fungus, and game testing in the area.

The MMF and CNL have finalized an agreement for a Métis-specific monitoring program to ensure the MMF has a Métis monitor onsite when CNL conducts testing. The MMF Energy and Infrastructure Coordinator is working with CNL to develop a testing program based on Red River Métis land use and harvesting in the area, which includes traditional foods, medicines, fi sh, and game. The MMF and MN4CI are currently reviewing CNL's procurement and prequalification process to determine the best options for economic development opportunities. CNL has encountered some project delays and is awaiting a response from the federal regulator regarding their licensing application.

OCN New Solid Waste Facility

A 43-hectare solid waste facility is planned for an area south of OCN. Impacts to Métis access to Crown as well as hunting and trapping grounds have been identifi ed. The Energy, Infrastructure, and Resource Management Department (EIRM) is responding with concerns, a procurement proposal, a requirement for a Traditional Land Use Study, as well as a request for donation to the Elders' wood gathering program.

St. Andrews Lock and Dam Project

The Government of Canada is resurfacing the bridge and adding wheelchair accessibility to the bridge walkway at the site of the St. Andrews Lock and Dam. The project uncovered 150-year-old human remains and has engaged an archeological firm for shovel testing and artifact logging. To date they have uncovered thousands of artifacts from the soils of this historically Red River Métis settlement area. Your Red River Métis Government has hired a Red River Métis archeologist to work onsite for the duration of the construction phase and to assist with cataloguing these artifacts for repatriation to our Nation.

Lynn Lake Gold Mine - Alamos Gold


Alamos Gold Inc. is proposing the construction, operation, decommissioning, and reclamation of an open pit gold mine and new metal mill located near Lynn Lake, Manitoba. The Lynn Lake Gold Project would involve the redevelopment of two historical gold mines (the Gordon site and MacLellan site) and have an ore input capacity of 8,000 tonnes per day over an 11-year period. Components of the project would include new mine infrastructure, open pits, an access road, a central ore milling and processing plant, ore stockpiles and mine rock storage areas, and a tailings management facility.

The project is subject to a federal environmental assessment by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) as the Red River Métis have been identifi ed as being highly affected by the project. The MMF was granted funding to participate in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Assessment (EA) review of the project and to hold community consultation meetings across the Homeland.

The MMF has undertaken a traditional knowledge, land use, and occupancy study as well as a technical review of the project scope, and has submitted comments and recommendations to both Canada and Manitoba. Discussions are ongoing with regard to the development of appropriate and meaningful mitigation measures to be included in the environmental assessment fi lings. Alamos Gold Inc. has recently been granted a one-year extension for their Environmental Impact Statement.

Neepawa Bike Park

EIRM is working to partner with the town of Neepawa to help make their new mountain bike park attraction even greener. Through the MMF's two million trees program, the MMF will help the town select native species that are desirable and successful for the region.

Low Carbon Economy Fund - Energy Retrofits

The MMF applied for funding to renovate the MMF Home Office with the intention of reducing our carbon footprint and making the building more energy efficient. The retrofit includes the building envelope and windows, a solar wall, the replacement of the boilers and related infrastructure, as well as additional renovations as appropriate such as low flush toilets. Work on the building has begun and will continue through to the end of the fiscal year.

Green Energy and Infrastructure Master Plan

EIRM is seeking funding to assess MMF government-owned buildings for energy effi ciency and green energy opportunities. The plan will serve as a carbon reduction roadmap for the National Government of the Red River Métis, helping to align your Government with the United Nations 2030 reductions, and 2050 net zero emissions goals.

Infrastructure Projects

Canada recently provided funding to rural municipalities and smaller communities across Manitoba, and the MMF is working with each project team to ensure that Red River Métis rights, claims, and interests are appropriately considered and mitigated through project development, construction, and operation. Projects under this process include road improvements, docks, access trails, drainage systems, and boardwalks. The MMF is also working with the project teams to develop a process for N4 to participate in the work as appropriate.

B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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