MMF Clinics

Upcoming Clinics:

Saturday, August 13th

The Health & Wellness Department will be hosting a vaccine clinic in partnership with the NWMC on August 13th Saturday (1:00-4:30 pm) and Sunday August 14th (9:00-12:00 pm) at the Metis Community Centre, 101-11th Avenue SW, Dauphin MB. The clinic will be held in conjunction with the NWMC Regional meeting.

Citizens will have access for Pfeizer, Pediatric Pfeizer and Moderna. To book an appointment, clients can contact Evelyn Nepinak at the NWMC office at 204-638-9485

Tuesday February 22

Tuesday, February 15 - Adult Pfeizer, Pediatric Pfeizer and Moderna shots available

Friday, February 4

Tuesday, January 25 - We will have Moderna shots, as well as Pediatric Pfeizer.



B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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